MASSEUR finds it very important that your massage visits are in a responsible, safe, hygienic and relaxing way, therefore below the house rules, information, advice and rules about the massage treatments. Ethics and hygiene are important to MASSEUR. You do not have to bring your own towels, these are abundantly available in the massage studio.
Hygiene is highly regarded at MASSEUR, and the masseur expects his clients to take care of this as well. Therefore, before you go to your massage appointment, take a shower or bath at home. This is not only more pleasant for the masseur to work, but also for yourself to undergo the massage treatment. This is good for your muscles anyway, and certainly a good idea in terms of hygiene.
Do not eat too much before your massage appointment, because a too full stomach can hinder the positive effect of the massage. Do not use alcoholic beverages or other mind-altering substances prior to your massage treatment. Put on comfortable clothes when you go to your massage appointment. Make sure you don’t have to do much more after the massage appointment, then you can relax afterwards. Please arrive on time for your appointment, otherwise it will take your time.
You must be present about 5 to 10 minutes before the agreed time. This way the masseur can start your massage on time, and any appointments after you can also start on time. If you arrive late, this will be deducted from your massage time. However, you will have to pay the full cost of the scheduled massage and it will not be adjusted. MASSEUR always calculates sufficient time for your massage treatment. The time allowed for a massage appointment includes changing clothes, required anamnesis and making a (possible) follow-up appointment. If you arrive at MASSEUR later than the agreed time, the masseur may shorten the treatment.
Please notify us of a cancellation or rescheduling of a massage appointment at least 48 hours in advance. Massage appointments made can therefore be changed or canceled free of charge by email at least 48 hours in advance. If you cancel too late, MASSEUR will charge the planned massage in relation to the reserved time. If you do not come to the appointment without notice, MASSEUR reserves the right to charge you for the massage treatment.
There are several reasons when massages are not allowed. If you have a fever, flu or boils, you will not be massaged. Because with a fever, the increased metabolism will worsen, with flu and severe colds symptoms may worsen, and with boils there is a risk of spreading and infection. In severe forms of varicose veins, that part is not massaged, but other parts can be massaged.
If you have high blood pressure, please ask your doctor for advice first, but with the permission of your doctor, the massage can be lighter. In case of local inflammation, a massage is performed around that area. The same goes for bruises, swelling or injuries. Other parts can then be massaged by the masseur outside that area. If you have an (acute) injury, then first ask your doctor for advice.
MASSEUR reserves the right to refuse clients if, under the influence of mind-altering drugs or otherwise, they give rise to contra-indication. MASSEUR is not responsible for damage and / or injury as a result of concealment of medical information such as physical and / or mental disorders, pregnancy, injuries and use of medication.
MASSEUR is not a medical practitioner or physiotherapist. If you are under (medical) treatment and / or if you are unsure whether a massage is suitable in combination with your complaints, use of medication or treatment, it is good to consult with your specialist or doctor in advance whether a massage is advisable. In the following cases, a doctor’s permission is required: skin diseases, infectious diseases, serious cardiovascular diseases, cancer, thrombosis, use of antidepressants, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
You are going to lie on the massage table with your underwear. For the ladies, we recommend that you lie down on the massage table without a bra. No long boxer shorts for men, this makes the massage more difficult. You will be completely covered with towels. Only the part that is massaged remains uncovered during the massage treatment. Safety and hygiene are very much appreciated.
When you undress, the masseur leaves the massage room for a moment, so that you can undress in peace. There are plenty of towels on the massage table in the massage studio of MASSEUR for you to change yourself with towels, if desired, but you don’t have to. As soon as you lie on your stomach on the table, the masseur will return and the masseur will cover you with towels and the masseur will start your massage treatment.
Your mobile phone will be switched off before the massage treatment, or even better off. This provides peace of mind for you and for the masseur. Do not wear jewelry during the massage. If you have long hair, it can be useful to put this up during the massage treatment. The massages from MASSEUR are aimed at slowing down, relaxation and improving body and mind, and have nothing to do with eroticism.
During the massage, the masseur rarely initiates a conversation or conversation, because silence has a positive effect on your relaxation. However, if something feels unpleasant or you want to say something about what you experience during or through the massage, then you are of course welcome to share it with the masseur. A massage can be adapted by the masseur to your physical condition, and canceled or discontinued if in doubt about an existing condition or injury.
When the masseur finishes the massage, it is wise to first slowly count to ten and then slowly get up from the massage table. There is water ready for you in the massage studio. After the massage, the masseur will leave you alone for a while so that you can get dressed. Then we complete the massage appointment.
During the massage all kinds of waste products can be released. By drinking good water after the massage and the rest of the day, these can be removed better. As soon as you get home, drink water if you need it, especially if you are thirsty. Massage appeals to the self-healing capacity of your body, experience it yourself.
You can feel wonderful, relaxed and energized after the massage treatment. However, old ailments can return temporarily and then disappear. A massage can bring underlying complaints to the surface. You may therefore temporarily not feel so good after a massage treatment.
Sometimes a massage afterwards gives complaints such as a headache, muscle pain or fatigue. This may be because your body has to get used to the new balance, and the flow and removal of waste products in your body. Drinking extra water may help you avoid these kinds of complaints.